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The Confidence of your employees and customers is the most valuable and scarce commodity in times of crisis

Written by Edgar Palacios | Senior Consultant , 19 of May of 2020. Saved in Blog

Mark Cuban, the entrepreneur owner of the NBA team the Dallas Mavericks, talking about corporate responsibility in a crisis stated: “How you treat your employees today will have more impact on your brand in future years than any amount of advertising, any amount of anything you could do”. I agree with Mr. Cuban.

These are some of the things that we as leaders can do to enhance the confidence of our people and our customers:

Work on your relationships.

This is the time to talk to your employees and customers constantly, overcommunicate.

Work on the new vision and mission for your business

This is a perfect time to revisit the values, mission and vision of your organization, the perfect time to make that mission and vision more compassionate and more humane.

Be willing to do things different.

There is not much experience out there on dealing with a pandemic. Be willing to put yourself in uncomfortable positions and to act different in the face of adversity.

Concentrate on the things you can control

Time and energy are limited resources, the best use for your time and energy in these times of crisis is to concentrate on those things that are under your control.

Treat your people and your customers right, they in turn will reward you with their loyalty and appreciation because you were there when the needed you the most.

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